Monday, May 29, 2006

Community Builder- Dr. Margaret McVea

Dr. Margaret McVea is a great example of an I.T. leader who endeavors to build strong relationships. Dr. McVea was one of my professors at Concordia where I earned my Education Degree and where she showed me how important it is to have a connected community. In a highly competitive environment she demonstrates to preservice teachers the importance of sharing their work and experiences. Her success in passing these skills along has aided many Concordia graduates to become community builders in their own of schools. She has recently demonstrated her ability to build professional communities at the Technology Plus conference at Concordia. The conference, which she was the head of, showcased the best practices of Concordia students and their mentor teachers. She continues to strengthen her own talents by doing research in the area of I.T. integration in preservice teaching programs. As she continues to share her skills for building genuine relationships she is helping schools staffs and students to learn together.

Dr. McVea received her Bachelor of Arts degree from the U of A, in Classics and Psychology. She has completed a B.Ed after degree in social studies as well as a graduate diploma in elementary reading. Dr. McVea completed a Master's degree in educational psychology and received her Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Policy Studies from U of A in 1998. She was a teacher with Edmonton Catholic schools for 25 years before becoming assistant dean in Concordia University Ed. Department.

To see more of her research visit this link:

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