Saturday, April 08, 2006

Tech Plus Conference

I've received an invitation to Concordia University College's Technology Plus Conference. The blog address is above and this is the Concordia index for the conference. It is at Concordia (Edmonton) on April 26th. I've taught a couple of classes there and it happens to be where I earned both my degrees. I've only been away from Concordia for three years now but I feel a strong bond to its welcoming professors and staff.

If it wasn't for Dr. McVea I don't think I would have gotten my first teaching job. She knew the job was available and gave me the heads up. Once I was at the interview I showed off my Virtual Classroom Tour, which she helped me to have accepted on the Microsoft VCT page and the deal was pretty much sealed.

Watch her blog if you have time. It's only about the preparations for the conference right now but I'm sure she'll start putting more things up. The Concordia Education website is here. If you want to teach in Alberta this is the place to get your degree.

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